KNOXVILLE – Students who received the W.K. McClure Scholarships for the Study of World Affairs during 2009 and 2010 were honored last week at a symposium where they displayed their work.
Prestigious UT awards given primarily to graduate students, McClure Scholarships provide up to $5,000 for students to support independent research and creative projects abroad. Projects focus on legal, cultural, political, economic, social and scientific studies that shed light on significant issues or problems associated with world affairs and the reduction of international conflict.
The W.K. McClure Fund for the Study of World Affairs was established by W.K. McClure, a UT graduate. Wallace McClure, the son of W.K. McClure, who started the endowment, attended last week’s symposium.
Applications for McClure Scholarships to fund study-abroad experiences during the coming summer and the next academic year are now available. For more details, see
By college, the current McClure Scholars and their projects are:
College of Arts and Sciences: Anne Buckle (undergraduate), “Understanding Diplomacy in Western Europe: An Exploration of How the U.S. Department of State Uses Public Diplomacy as a Foreign Policy Tool to Construct Personal and Political Relations in France;” Suzanne Johnson, “Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) Forensic Science Academy, Hawaii, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand;” Michael McConnell, “Language and Violence: Forced Evacuations in the Rhineland, Fall 1944, Germany;” Pamela McLendon (undergraduate), “Northern Tanzania Maasai Women: Health Options for the Reproductive Years;” John Thomason, “The Residential Development Process, Ecuador;” and Shelly Yankovskyy, “Human Rights for Psychiatric Patients in Ukraine.”
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources: Gregory Curler, “Insect Collection and Identification: Research and Teaching Experience in Thailand;” Blake Joyce, “Exploring the Potential of the Diesel Trees, Genus Copaifera, for Biodiesel, Brazil;” and Adrienne Roach, “Effectiveness of a Triclosan-Protein Complex Against Liver-stage Malaria as Determined by In Vitro Imaging: A Qualitative Exploration, Germany.”
College of Law: Marianna Jablonski, “Moving out of Poverty: A Case Study of the Grameen Bank, Bangladesh.”
College of Engineering: Shuguang (Justin) Ji, “Intake Fraction of Electric Vehicle and Conventional Motorized Vehicle in China;” Brian (Casey) Langford, “Mode Choice Modeling of New Transportation Services in Kunming, China;” Abdoul Aziz Oubeidillah, “Water Resources Challenges in the Comoros Islands;” and Hongtai Yang, “The Safety Impact of E-Bike Use to China.”
College of Veterinary Medicine: Morgan Mander, “International Veterinary Medicine, Thailand.”
College of Architecture and Design: Neil Parrish, “Traditions out of Time: Craft and Architecture in Finland.”
College of Communication and Information: Katerina Spasovska, “Macedonian Journalists and Their Understanding of Professionalism, Macedonia.”
C O N T A C T :
Amy Blakely (865-974-5034,