Participate in the CIE International Literary Colloquy
In support of the Ready for the World initiative, the UT Center for International Education seeks participants in its spring 2010 International Literary Colloquy.
In support of the Ready for the World initiative, the UT Center for International Education seeks participants in its spring 2010 International Literary Colloquy.
The UT Knoxville chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, an accounting honors student organization, is partnering again this year with the Internal Revenue Service and the United Way to provide free basic income tax preparation through the VITA program.
Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2010 UT Knoxville Alumni Awards. Nominations are due Feb. 19. The awards are sponsored by the UT Alumni Board of Directors.
Knoxville-area UT faculty and staff are invited to attend Faculty/Staff Appreciation Night at Clarence Brown Theatre on Tuesday, March 2, for a special performance of “Charley’s Aunt” at 7:30 p.m. This date is in addition to the previously-publicized Feb. 23 showing. Due to high demand, all tickets have been distributed for that date and the
The University of Tennessee Police Department is now one of 23 agencies to be granted accreditation by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators. IACLEA accreditation means that a department conforms to the highest professional standards for campus law enforcement and protective services.
Five new members of the UT Knoxville faculty — Howard Hall, Frank Loeffler, Yilu Liu, Alexei Sokolov and Thomas Zawodzinski, along with Jeremy Smith, hired in 2006 — have already made their presence known throughout campus and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
UT faculty member Joseph V. Carcello has received the 2010 Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants’ Distinguished Achievement in Accounting Education Award. Carcello is the Ernst & Young Professor in the College of Business Administration’s Department of Accounting and Information Management and the director of research for the Corporate Governance Center at UT Knoxville.