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Harriet Wood Bowden, assistant professor of Spanish, has been awarded a Chancellor’s Grant for Faculty Research. She will receive a one-course release in Spring 2010 in order to write external grant proposals for her research. She also had a paper accepted in the journal Language Learning, to be published in March. The title of the article is “Verbal Inflectional Morphology in L1 and L2 Spanish: A Frequency Effects Study Examining Storage versus Composition”.


Maura Lafferty, associate professor of Classics and core medieval Latinist for the Marco Institute, was in the UK last week to serve as a featured speaker at a conference on “Early Roman Liturgy” at Oxford University. She spoke on “Liturgical Practices at the Cult Sites of Roman Martyrs.”


Stefanie Ohnesorg, associate professor of German, has received the Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association’s Jacqueline Elliott Award for Teaching and Service in Higher Education. The award recognized Ohnesorg’s outstanding contributions to her institution, to her colleagues, and to foreign language organizations.


Aleydis Van de Moortel, associate professor of Classics, is co-director of the joint University of Tennessee-Greek Archaeological Service excavation at Mitrou in mainland Greece, and is an expert on nautical archaeology, ancient ship construction, and early trade. She travelled to Turkey in October to deliver an invited lecture on “The Middle Bronze Age Boat of Mitrou, Central Greece” at an international conference on ship archaeology sponsored by Istanbul University. This month, she was invited to Bremerhaven, Germany, to present an invited talk on “Medieval River Boats of Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium: Archaeological Evidence for Trade, Transport, and Communication” at an international conference on rivers, commerce and trade.